Ulysses Bloodstone (July 22, 1975) This Day In Comics
In the Hyborian Age, a meteorite landed on Earth in Northern Vanaheim on the European continent, circa 8250 B.C. It was controlled by an evil extra-dimensional entity called the Hellfire Helix, which wanted to conquer the world. To that end, it sent its agent, Ulluxy’l Kwan Tae Syn, to get the meteorite and find a host for it. However, a local human hunter/gatherer found the rock, and fought Ulluxy’l Kwan Tae Syn. In the fight, the meteor was smashed, a part of it was imbedded in the human’s chest, and the explosion killed the human’s tribe. The human vowed revenge on Ulluxy’l Kwan Tae Syn. Because of the gem in his chest, he became immortal, and later became known as Ulysses Bloodstone. Ulysses Bloodstone first appeared in Marvel Presents #1 (July 22, 1975).

He was one of the most successful mercenaries in the world. His long life allowed him to assemble a vast fortune, which he used to set up a series of outposts, fully staffed and equipped, in various corners of the world. He gained mastery of most of the world’s weaponry, and a large portion of the world’s martial arts and languages.
Powers and Abilities
Many of Bloodstone’s powers come from the magical energy within the Bloodgem fragment embedded into his chest. This grants him immortality and superhuman strength. Bloodstone is invulnerable in the sense that he can survive and quickly recover from, any wound short of complete molecular disintegration.
Even being shot or impaled through the heart or brain is but a temporary setback for Bloodstone, who will be ’killed‘ but will get back up after a minute or two.
He has reportedly lost and regrown limbs, and one presumes he’d regrow his head if decapitated (though that may be the best way to incapacitate him for a lengthy period). Bloodstone’s understanding is that he could regrow his entire body from a single living cell.