The new Totally Awesome Hulk is Korean-American teen Amadeus Cho!

The mystery behind the new Hulk’s identity has been revealed! But what has happened to the original Hulk, Bruce Banner in the previous eight months? All will be revealed – and the answers will surprise you! But one thing is for certain – Amadeus Cho is a completely different kind of Hulk. Not tormented, not conflicted. Just a giant green wrecking machine who loves being the Hulk! What could possibly go wrong?

“Come December, the one true Hulk will be a 19-year-old Korean-America “Boy Genius” who is going to carry the burden of being the Hulk like it weighs a feather,” says Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso. “He’s going to love every minute of it. In this new series, we are going to lean hard into the fantasy aspects of being the Hulk. It can’t be all bad, can it?”

The new Totally Awesome Hulk is Korean-American teen Amadeus Cho!

Source @ The Beat

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