Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 Unveils a Shocking Change

In a shocking twist, Steve Rogers always has been and will continue to be a member of the evil group

A Marvel Editor Explains How Captain America Was a Hydra Agent All Along

While on a mission to stop Baron Zemo, Steve Rogers (once again suited up as Captain America after having his super soldier abilities returned in Avengers Standoff) unexpectedly threw his teammate, Jack Flag, out of a jet, before declaring, “Hail Hydra.”

In a shocking twist, Steve Rogers always has been and will continue to be a member of the evil group

Sure, he wears red white and blue on the outside, but on the inside? It turns out Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, supports the evil, former Nazi organization, Hydra.

Marvel comics introduced the shocking twist Wednesday morning when Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 went on sale — and it turns out there have been hints that this was coming for a long time. TIME spoke with Marvel executive editor Tom Brevoort about the decision, the clues and why Hydra’s rhetoric sounds an awful lot like that of a certain presidential candidate.

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