Bloodshot Reborn #14 (@ValiantComics)

Bloodshot Reborn #14

Bloodshot Reborn #14
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Mico Suayan
Published by Valiant Entertainment

The last story arc of Bloodshot Reborn let Jeff Lemire take this high-tech soldier and run him through a Mad Max dystopia, proving that Lemire understands the emotional draw of a man with no identity, determined to make a life for himself and protect the people he loves.

Here’s the great thing about this series: it’s done in a way that you can jump in wherever you want. Issue #14 is the start of a new story arc — called “Bloodshot Island” — and it’s got a pretty sweet setup. Bloodshot has been stranded on a mysterious island, and he discovers that this is where all past Bloodshot experiments have been sent — World War II Bloodshot, Cold War Bloodshot, Vietnam Bloodshot, etc. — so not only do we get to meet failed experiments of the program, but we’ll witness Bloodshot uncovering more about his legacy and expand the mythology of the character.

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