[DC Comics] Green Arrow #1

[DC Comics] Green Arrow #1

[DC Comics] Green Arrow #1

Green Arrow #1 is one of the few “Rebirth” titles that maintains its regular series writer, and — while that made me a little hesitant at first — I’ll give Benjamin Percy and new series artist Otto Schmidt credit where it’s due. Not only is “Green Arrow” #1 new-reader friendly, but they pack a few big hooks into this issue to keep readers coming back for more.

Most of “Green Arrow” #1 is devoted to Green Arrow and Black Canary working together, having finally teamed up in “Green Arrow: Rebirth” #1 earlier this month. Percy isn’t afraid to use the opportunity to let Black Canary show Green Arrow how off-track his mission — or at least his methods — has become, as he bribes police, pays criminals and lets Queen Industries run rampant without his paying attention; as she points out, he only has one relationship that isn’t based on money. In short, Percy uses Black Canary’s voice for more than just her sonic powers; it’s a call to get Oliver to stop and reevaluate his life.

Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Otto Schmidt
Published by DC Comics
Release Date: June 15, 2016


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