The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) #262 (@Marvel)

The Amazing Spider-Man #262 – Trade Secret released by Marvel on March 1, 1985

Tabloid reporter Jake Jones manages to get a career-making photograph; Spider-Man unmasked! With his secret identity on the line, will Spider-Man teach this morally bankrupt journalist a lesson? You bet!

Editor: Danny Fingeroth, Tom DeFalco
Writer: Bob Layton
Pencils: Bob Layton
Inker: Bob Layton, Carlos Garzon
Cover Art: Eliot R. Brown

In Amazing Spider-Man #262, Peter is temporarily distracted and ignores his Spider-Sense. As a result, he gets photographed while changing out of his costume. He spends the story chasing after the photographer, and eventually recovers the film. The photographer is left trying to figure out how to locate a face he saw briefly, from a city of ten million people.

Of course, it always occured to me that if the photographer saw Peter on TV advertising Webs, then he might put two and two together…

This was one of the first Spider-Man comics to use a real photograph for a cover. The other cover I recall was a Marvel Team-Up with Spider-Man and Captain America on the roof of a building. Spider-Woman had quite a few photo-covers.
