Bettie Page: Unbound #9 (@DynamiteComics) – Preview

Bettie Page: Unbound #9
Bettie Page Unbound 9 Dynamite Comics Preview

Model Agent Bettie Page’s mission to save the world from every type of nemesis you can think of (Elder gods, we are looking at you) continues with style, as she takes on her most dangerous foe yet!

Writer: David Avallone
Artist: Julius Ohta, Pasquale Qualano
Covers: John Royle (A), Scott Chantler (B)
Jerome K. Moore (C), Matt Gaudio (D)
Photo Cover (E), Photo Cover (RI-Virgin)
Jerome K. Moore (RI-Virgin)
Scott Chantler (RI-Virgin), Matt Gaudio (RI-Virgin)
Publisher: Dynamite Comics

FC | 32 pages | Action/Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+

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