Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #52 (Preview) – @boomstudios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #52 (Preview) - BOOM! Studios
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 52 Preview BOOM Studios

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #52 (Preview) – @boomstudios

As tensions rise between the OMEGA RANGERS and the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS over the return of , Kimberly takes it upon herself to interrogate their new prisoner. Meanwhile, a team of Rangers on a crucial intergalactic mission come face to face with the herald of a new threat heading straight for Earth!

Written by
Ryan Parrott

Moisés Hidalgo

Colored by
Walter Baiamonte

Cover by
Jamal Campbell

BOOM! Studios

Release Date
July 29, 2020

Preview Below

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