Master of Kung Fu #84
Synopsis: The Bull and The Dragon is part two of the seven-part Warriors of the Golden Dawn saga. In this issue, Shang-Chi and Black Jack Tarr venture into the South American jungle in search of the Master of Kung Fu’s evil father Fu Manchu. What they find instead is a cadre of deadly Jaguar Men. The comic ends in a dramatic stand off as Shang-Shi and Tarr face a mortal decision of whether to fight the Jaguar Men on shore or retreat and face the crocodiles in the river.
Title: The Bull and The Dragon!
Cover: Mike Zeck, Gene Day
Writer: Doug Moench
Penciler: Mike Zeck
Inker: Gene Day
Colorist: George Roussos
Letterer: Joe Rosen
Editor: Roger Stern
Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter
Cover Price: $0.40
Cover Date: January 1980
Release Date: October 1979
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