Dejah Thoris vs John Carter of Mars #2 (@DynamiteComics) Preview

Dejah Thoris vs John Carter of Mars #2

Dejah Thoris vs John Carter of Mars #2 (Dynamite Comics) Preview

The epic continues!

Dejah takes a calculated risk, and trusts someone that could aid in defending against the dreaded Longborn. Little did she anticipate the arrival of THE

Sweeping sci-fi action by DAN ABNETT (Justice League Odyssey) and ALESSANDRO MIRACOLO (Red Sonja)!

Publisher: Dynamite Comics

Writer: Dan Abnett
Artist: Alessandro Miracolo
Covers: Lucio Parrillo (A), Joseph Michael Linsner (B), Alessandro Miracolo (C), Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant (D), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI-E/Pencils), Alessandro Miracolo (RI-F/Line Art), Alessandro Miracolo (RI-G/BW), Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant (RI-H/BW), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI-I/BW), Lucio Parrillo (RI-J/BW)

FC | 32 pages | SciFi/ Adventure | $3.99 | Teen+

Dejah Thoris is the daughter of Mors Kajak, the Jed of Lesser Helium, and granddaughter of Tardos Mors, the empire’s Jeddak. She has two children, Carthoris and Tara, by her husband, John Carter, and a granddaughter, Llana, by Tara and Gahan of Gathol.

Dynamite was founded in 2004 and is home to several best-selling comic book titles and properties, including The Boys, The Shadow, Vampirella, Warlord of Mars, Bionic Man, A Game of Thrones, and more. Dynamite owns and controls an extensive library with over 3,000 characters (which includes the Harris Comics and Chaos Comics properties), such as Vampirella, Pantha, Evil Ernie, Smiley the Psychotic Button, Chastity, Purgatori, and Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt. In addition to their critically-acclaimed titles and bestselling comics, Dynamite works with some of the most high profile creators in comics and entertainment,