Red Sonja: Black, White, Red #6 (@DynamiteComics) – Preview

Red Sonja: Black, White, Red #6 (@DynamiteComics) - Preview

Red Sonja: Black, White, Red #6 – New Comics

The greatest tales, the best creators, brought to you in beautiful black, white and red!

PHIL HESTER throws Sonja into the dangerous den of a deadly religion…

AMY CHU and ANTHONY MARQUES return to Red with a thrilling adventure…

JACOB EDGAR and GIORGIO SPALLETTA spin a tale of talents, as various killers of different disciplines challenge Sonja, only to realize every weapon they wield is no match for a She-Devil…
All covers printed on Cardstock.

Writer: Phil Hester, Amy Chu, Jacob Edgar
Artist: Anthony Marques, Giorgio Spalletta
Covers: Jae Lee (A), Lesley “Leirix” Li (B), Jonathan Lau (C), Cosplay Variant (D),Lesley “Leirix“ Li (E-RI/Tinted), Jonathan Lau (F-RI/Line Art), Cosplay Variant (G-RI/Virgin), Jae Lee (H-RI/BW)
Publisher: Dynamite Comics
FC | 40 pages | Sword and Sorcery | $4.99 | Teen+

Preview – Red Sonja: Black, White, Red #6 Below