Red Tornado: This Day in Comics (June 13, 1968)
Red Tornado’s unique origin story involves the fusion of two distinct entities: an android body, crafted by the notorious supervillain T. O. Morrow, and the Tornado Champion from Earth-One’s planet Rann. This intriguing character made his debut in Justice League of America #64, published on June 13, 1968.

The Tornado Champion itself was the morally good part of a sentient tornado on the fictional alien world of Rann. Known as Ulthoon, the Tornado Tyrant of Rann, this being battled the hero Adam Strange, who defeated it. Determined to understand its failure, the Tornado Champion went to Earth, where the Tornado Tyrant emerged again and battled the real Justice League. The League is defeated, but in a second attack banishes the Tornado Tyrant to an “anti-matter universe” where they believe it is destroyed. The Tornado Champion ends his experiment with a duplicate Earth and JLA, and decides to continue being a hero.