Wonder Man #9 (Marvel) – Comic Covers

Wonder Man #9 - Big Decisions released by Marvel on May 1992
Wonder Man 9 Big Decisions released by Marvel on May 1992

Wonder Man #9 – Big Decisions released by Marvel on May 1992

OPERATION: GALACTIC STORM PART 18 In the penultimate chapter of Galactic Storm, the Shi’ar’s Nega-Bomb detonates. Simon Williams watches in horror as the Avengers fail to make peace. With such widespread devastation, will Earth’s Mightiest be able to pick up the pieces? A challenging issue that explores the true nature of war.

May 01, 1992

Gerard Jones

Jeff Johnson
Stephen B. Jones

Simon and Vision continue to work further into the Nega-Bomb while the Skrulls try to disrupt their progress. Unfortunately for Simon, the Vision himself becomes his main antagonist. Ignoring Simon’s philosophical debate in the previous issue, Vision still maintains the importance of efficiency over flawed human empathy. Since the Avengers have sworn to protect Earth, as an Avenger Vision must protect Earth over the interests of the Kree Empire. Eventually Wonder Man convinces Vision only mortal men can make the “big decisions” when death is concerned, and since Vision is an immortal machine, he isn’t qualified to decide. Vision finds Simon’s argument logical, and so he lets him decide.

Unfortunately for Wonder Man (and the Kree), the Skrulls prevent him from making the decision freely. While the Kree Avengers team arrives and assaults the Skrull ship towing the Nega-Bomb, the Shi’ar Avengers team arrives from a distance. Just when Wonder Man and Vision appear to have the situation under control, an explosion knocks Wonder Man into the detonator. All the Avengers watch in horror as the Nega-Bomb explodes.