Top 5 Best Prowl Transformers Toys
Source @ Seibertron
While Optimus prime may be the most popular Transformer of all time, I always felt Prowl had the archetypal look. He is the quintessential car bot, a car turning into a robot where the car hood ends up as the robot’s chest. However, with such a typical design, this list was rather vanilla at first, with similar looking toys all transforming similarly and getting incrementally closer to the character model over time. But that’s because I was just thinking of Prowl’s G1 design and as soon as I thought outside the box, writing this list became a hoot! Now let’s get to it.
5. Transformers Robots In Disguise Prowl (Mach Alert)
The Lamborghini is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) alt mode a Transformer can have. And with prowl being the quintessential carbot, giving him the alt mode of the coolest car is just awesome. RID was a time of going back to the basics of cars transforming into robots but for a new century (literally) and audience, with new designs and transformations. This Prowl toy achieves all of that by giving us something that I don’ think any of us will forget.

4. Transformers Generations Siege Prowl/Combiner Wars Prowl
I find these two toys far too vanilla to separate. I find them both better than the Universe mold, on account of the head sculpt alone, but when it comes to comparing the two they each have their pros and cons and neither really stand out among the other toys either on this list or on the pegs. They both make very good Prowls for a classics collection. I like the overall look of the Combiner Wars toy, especially the head and alt mode, along with the added fun that it combines. At the same time though, I like the use of the real front of the car for the chest of Siege Prowl and while the car mode isn’t my favourite, I do like the tech detail on the clear plastic. They both get the job done for a classics display and you get two great looking choices, which is more than other established characters can say.

3. Transformers Beast Wars Prowl
Many G1 names resurfaced in Beast Wars as totally new characters (ie. Scorponok, Rampage, Silverbolt) with no relation to their G1 namesake. Prowl is an exception to that, with his toy bio referencing “another life” and his skills centering around analysis and reliance on logic. So he’s Prowl, but in Beast Wars, awesome! Plus he turns into an owl, has a cybernetic eye and is an excellent toy with an original design, as was customary for all those great Transmetal II toys.

2. Transformers Masterpiece Prowl
I really love this era of Masterpiece toys where they idea was building off of the original toy/transformation but updating it with all the design advancements acquired since. And turning that into both an accurate portrayal of this beloved character as he appeared in the cartoon while also incorporating real world elements from a realistic alt mode. I personally prefer feet on my Transformers, but it’s Prowl’s thing not to have any so I can see why the priority here would be to give us the familiar design rather than reinventing his looks.

1. Transformers Animated Prowl Gallery
As great as the MP is, I must say I love this toy even more. I am just a sucker for originality in this brand and in Animated, the designers went all out. We still have Prowl at this core, and we still have the police theme, but it’s just taken somewhere else (and, personally, somewhere better). This is one of the best Transformer Toy design out there with a sleek robot mode full of personality that turns into a beautiful bicycle. He also has a Japanese theme going on where on one toy the wheel centers become throwing stars and on another toy the sidecar becomes a samurai armour. Plus he has great articulation to go with his slender physique and, as with many animated toys, the fact that they were able to replicate such an exaggerated style into a physical and transforming toy will forever be one of the brand’s greatest achievements.

Transformers Animated Prowl Gallery

Transformers Animated Samurai Prowl Gallery

Honourable Mention: Transformers G1 1984 Prowl
As I wrote in the intro, this is the toy that started it all. It is the quintessential Transformer toy and a design that lives on to this day. It cannot be ignored in the conversation of the best Prowl toys the brand has given us.