RAI #1 – (@ValiantComics) – Preview

RAI #1 – (Valiant)

RAI #1 – (Valiant Entertainment)

Written by Dan Abnett
Art by Juan José Ryp
Colors by Andrew Dalhouse
Letters by Dave Sharpe

Cover A by Juan José Ryp
Cover B by Juan José Ryp
Cover C by Adam Pollina
Cover D (Blank Variant)
Pre-order Edition Cover E by Jóse Ladrönn

On sale November 20th, 2019

$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | Full Color

Welcome to the 41st century: New worlds, new characters, new adventures.
Valiant’s critically celebrated cyborg ronin named Rai embarks on a thrilling quest to save the future.

Multiple New York Times bestselling and award-winning writer Dan Abnett (Guardians of the Galaxy) joins forces with breathtaking artist Juan José Ryp (X-O MANOWAR) to begin the essential sci-fi series of the next two thousand years!

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