Black Terror #3 (@DynamiteComics) – Preview

Black Terror #3 (Dynamite Comics) - Preview

Black Terror #3 (Dynamite Comics) – Preview

Black Terror’s trusty sidekick gets his own story!

Imagine being born with the memories of a life you haven’t lived yet, a life of crime fighting and adventuring, only to find out that no one believes you and, honestly, couldn’t care less.

This is the story of Black Terror’s trusted sidekick…TIM! (It’s just Tim.)

Black Terror #3
Writer: Max Bemis
Artist: Ruairí Coleman
Covers: Rahzzah (A), Jorge Fornés (B), Eoin Marron (C)
Eoin Marron (RI-Virgin), Jorge Fornés (RI-B/W)
Eoin Marron (RI-B/W)

FC | 32 pages | $3.99 | Superhero Adventure | Teen+

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