The Champions #11 – (@Marvel) – Covers

The Champions #11 - (Marvel) - Covers

The Champions #11 – The Shadow From the Stars released by Marvel on February 1977

Written by
Bill Mantlo

Art by
John Byrne

Cover by
Gil Kane
Bob Layton

John Byrne takes over this series just prior to his run on the X-men. This would be his first team book for Marvel, giving the title a fresh contemporary look from the previous issues. Black Goliath joins the team after the cancellation of his own short-lived series, while Hawkeye and the Two Gun Kid make a guest appearance.

Even with this multitude of characters, Byrne does a competent job at keeping the scenes organized with minimal confusion. His well-paced layouts also receive an impressive final polish by inker Bob Layton. Other artists in this issue include Gil Kane (cover).

This is number 1 of 6 Champions issues with Byrne art and/or covers.

The Champions #11 - The Shadow From the Stars released by Marvel on February 1977