Eternal Warrior #2 (Valiant) – Classic Comics

Eternal Warrior #2 (Valiant)

Eternal Warrior #2 – Unity Chapter 10: Where Troubles Melt Like Lemon Drops… released by Valiant on September 1, 1992

“Where Troubles Melt like Lemon Drops…”
Gilad recruits the Valiant Universe’s greatest heroes to save all of existence–including himself! When all hope seems lost, Gilad recruits a future version of himself from the year 4001 A.D. Are two Eternal Warriors better than one? When you’re in a land outside of time, anything is possible!

Written by
Jim Shooter

John Dixon

John Dixon
Kevin Van Hook

Colored by
Dave Chlystek
Mark Csaszar
Carol VanHook

Moments after the heroes from throughout time arrive in the Lost Land, the war called Unity begins. When Geoff the Geomancer is captured by Mothergod’s troops, it’s up to Gilad ad his future self from the year 4001 A.D. to save their young friend. When they strike, however, Geoff is seemingly incinerated by one of Mothergod’s blasts, and the Eternal Warriors escape, swearing to avenge his death, no matter what the cost!

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