Dominic Fortune (April 29, 1975) – This Day In Comics

Dominic Fortune (April 29, 1975) - This Day In Comics
Dominic Fortune April 29 1975 This Day In Comics

Dominic Fortune (April 29, 1975) – This Day In Comics

Born in New York, Duvid Jerome Fortunov spent the 1920s until just after the Wall Street Crash in 1929 on New York City’s Lower East Side “lying, cheating and stealing my way through life”. He debuted in Marvel Preview #2 (April 29, 1975). During this time, he saves a young Steve Rogers from a group of bullies. Fortunov relocated to Los Angeles, California, where he changed his name to Dominic Fortune and became a costumed adventurer for hire and a mercenary. By 1934 he was involved in the Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay – fighting as a pilot for both sides before returning to Los Angeles, where he took a job guarding three “out of control and drunken” film stars. In 1937, in an adventure in Europe he encountered Dr. Doom’s parents and later Captain America villains Baron Von Strucker and Baron Zemo and spent some time in Latveria and in Wakanda in Africa while foiling Nazi weapons intrigues involving the as-yet unnamed mineral Vibranium.

Marvel Preview #2 – The Power Broker Resolution! released by Marvel on June 1975.

Dominic Fortune (April 29, 1975) - This Day In Comics
Dominic Fortune April 29 1975 This Day In Comics

Marvel Premiere #56 – Dominic Fortune: The Big Top Barter Resolution released by Marvel

Dominic Fortune (April 29, 1975) - This Day In Comics
Dominic Fortune April 29 1975 This Day In Comics