New Comics – Kong: The Great War #2 (@DynamiteComics)

Kong: The Great War #2 (Dynamite Comics)

Kong: The Great War #2 (Dynamite Comics)

The men of U-184 have survived one night on the island… but the casualties mount
with relentless fury, as more beasts from the annals of pre-history wreak terror
on the modern world! Acclaimed author ALEX COX and international sensation
TOMASSO BIANCHI bring us a vision of violence and survival in a savage world
forgotten by time — where the only rule is fear, and the only law is given by Kong!

Writer: Alex Cox
Artist: Tommasso Bianchi
Covers: Jae Lee (A), Jackson Guice (B), Joe DeVito (C)
FC | 32 pages | Horror | $3.99 | Teen+

Publisher – Dynamite Comics

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