Master of Kung Fu #82 (Marvel) Classic

Master of Kung Fu #82

Master of Kung Fu #82 – Like a God, Weeping Fire released by Marvel on November 1979

Shang-Chi’s evil father, Fu Manchu, abducts Sir Denis!

Doug Moench

Mike Zeck

Cover Artist:
Mike Zeck

November 01, 1979

Master of Kung Fu #82

Check Out More @ Essential Master Of Kung Fu

Shang Chi, the Master Of Kung Fu, was first published in the comic book ‘Special Marvel Edition’ #15 (Dec 1973) and was such a hit he took over the book with issue #17. The comic was retitled ‘The Hands of Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu’, and ran until #125 (June 1983).

In 1972 Marvel Comics had the rights to Sax Rohmer’s Dr. Fu Manchu and seeing how popular David Carradines Kung Fu television program was Marvel chose to make a Kung Fu comic. First brought to life by Steve Englehart & Jim Starlin, long time writer Doug Moench took over on #20. The series had a number of wonderful artists following Starlin, beginning with Paul Gulacy on #18, followed later on by Mike Zeck and Gene Day.